
This is my fave Oiler...Patrick Thoresen.

Tonight we went to the hockey game. I really like watching hockey. The part I hate about games are the people around me. Usually, I get stuck beside a "Mr. Statistic". You know the annoying guy that rambles off stats of Jari Kurri throughout the entire game. Well tonight, I was stuck by "Mr. Hockey theory" guy. This guy kept talking about how quick the games are now since all the rule changes. He kept talking about how long the games were in the 80's....3 1/2 hr games on t.v.....AHHHHHH! The whole game this guy was saying it. Mr Hockey Theory was also saying how much Paul Kariya sucked...yeah he's not a player I like but he was all over the ice creating plays. I don't mind guys that talk about players but if your going to say someone sucks...don't pick the superstar that is working the most.


Kathy said...

Jeff's salesmen from a big supplier he uses is taking him to Friday's game. It's kind of gay because most vendors give you a pair of tickets, like for you and your wife. Instead, Jeff has to go with this salesman. Booooo.

Swedish Sensation said...

i bought tickets to fridays game too. maybe the guy has a crush of jeff.

Kathy said...

He very well may. His name is Guy and he made reservations for them to dine before the game. Need I say more?