
So tonight was yoga. After class, I was taking a little bit longer than everyone else to pack up because I was in pain. This sparked the teacher to ask if I was ok. Rose said she was good and that I was in pain. She asked if it was from the workout and Rose said it was pre-existing condition. She looks at me and asked me what it was. I told her it was cancer. That sparked a long conversation about alternative therapies and all this different yoga stuff I should do. I'm open to anything and everything. Megan (the yoga master) offered to teach me breathing exercises after the next class which will help me. She also gave me a phone number for an alternative DR. I guess I will phone this DR and see what its all about.

I had wanted to ask Megan about breathing exercises for dealing with certain cancer side effects but I didn't know how to bring it up. I'm glad it went down the way it did.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Definitely ask her about breathing exercises. I believe it definitely makes a difference. And yoga too, I've heard of many cases of people with different illnesses that conventional dr's say they can't do anything more for, and these people have turned to intense yoga as therapies and are living much better lives now. So I'm a believer of these things.