
Just saw James Blunt on Ellen this morning. This guy is really good. He was great in concert. So far, he has not made any shitty music...even the new songs he sang at his concert were awesome. Right now, he's my favorite musician. He has a good cd & he's good in concert....unlike these "studio" musicians:

The Black Crowes were one of my favorite bands until I saw them in concert. I left about 1/2 way through the thing because they sucked ass. It makes me think they have great producers when they make a cd.

I will admit that I was wrong about Simple Plan, Hedley, Gwen Stefani & Black Eyed Peas - I may not like all of their music but they sound great in concert. The Black Crowes made me like Gwen Stefani and Fergie hahahaha.


Kathy said...

Saw Jim Cuddy on Thursday night at the Winspear and maybe it's not your type of music, but Blue Rodeo and especially Jim Cuddy of Blue Rodeo perform AMAZINGLY live!!! Just awesome. So many different instruments, everyone's multi-instrumentally talented. They did a remake of a Neil Young song and it was too good!

Swedish Sensation said...

you've seen those guys lots hey? i've heard a couple of their songs...other than that i haven't really listened to them. i know they have loyal followers.

diana said...

i've said it before, and i'll say it again, i wish you were going to the city and colour show b/c dallas is AMAZING in concert. i've been to lots of shows, and i can honestly say that was one of the first shows where i really felt affected by the music. sounds lame, but it's true.

Kathy said...

Yep, I've seen them lots. I started listening to them when I was young because of my sister, and through the years, (this sounds cheesy but isn't meant to be) they've really been a soundtrack for my life. Most significant points in my life have sort of been joined together with their songs and so I have a lot of associations with their music and being at their concerts at different stages. I admit it gets a little tedious after awhile, but if they tour with a new album, i can't NOT go.

Di, City and Color is sold out so I would've bought tickets but I wasn't fast enough. (i still don't own their cd)

Swedish Sensation said...

ah rub it in why don't you!!! i wanted to go but i have to go to my cousins wedding.

Swedish Sensation said...

woah. kathy and i published our comments at the exact same time

Swedish Sensation said...

and i don't think thats cheesy kathy. theres bands that i've listened to growing up but i can say that they haven't affected me in the way blue rodeo does for you.

my city & colour moment was The Jeff Healey Band! i've seen jeff healey lots of times. i liked his music before i saw him live. when i saw him live, it was the first time i found out the guy was blind. it blew me away to see a blind guy jam on a guitar like that. he sings, to his day, one of my favorite all time songs.

Kathy said...

Jeff Healy's coming here again. He's always here! I should check him out sometime.

To hear Jim Cuddy sing live, if I were religious, I would say that he has a voice of angels, it's so clear. Live, he can belt it out and give you shivers. Even Jeff couldn't deny that he's amazing live...especially in a place like the Winspear. Plus blue rodeo picks good canadian artists to open, like Matt Mays, Stabilo and last week it was Jamie Rutledge. he was good too and alot of the band members end up playing in these unknown bands and help get them started. Even a guy in Blue rodeo played on Matt Mays' first album. So they're cool like that.

Swedish Sensation said...

next time blue rodeo is in town, let me know and i will go. also, next time jeff healey is in we should all go.

Ryan said...

Blue Rodeo = stupidly good live.

I'm not sure I've seen a better live band in terms of the way their songs come off and how they interact with the audience.

Through the whole show, you just get the sense that all they want to be doing is playing music.