
So my mom gave me, what she said, was a blanket that I used when I was a baby/kid after my main blanket was destroyed. I completely disagree because when the blanket I always slept with was retired, I did not have one after. My best guess is that it was my brothers....so I did what came naturally - I gave it to the dogs! Poppy loves it!!!


diana said...

you should give it back to your brother the next time you see him. after the dogs have rolled around in it. hahaha.

Ida's Studio said...

I remember Rose had a blanket too. She found it smelled different after washing :P

diana said...

yeah it smells CLEAN!!

i had a blanket too, in fact, i took it to TO with me. it's tattered to pieces, and i don't actually use it, but it just lies on my bed in a clump.