
New Home Run king....Barry Bonds hit his 756 HR tonight beating Hank Aaron's long standing record.

I had this major smart ass post written about all types of Barry Bonds shit. I ended up erasing it because it made me laugh too hard that I actually ended up teary eyed. So that means that I would probably come across as crazy to everyone.

HAHAHAHA....I'm watching a press conference of Barry right now and he's talking about Bill Cosby being an inspiration for him? Whoa, I think I'm tired because I'm enjoying this shit too much. I know so much about Barry Bonds that is so wrong and dirty that I find it really funny that he's a "poster boy" of baseball now. Its sort of funny how when someone sets a record, none of the crap matters.

Side note - if anyone actually saw the highlight reele...I'm surprised that the guy who caught the ball wasn't killed in the fight for it...I've never seen anything like that.


Kathy said...

Isn't that retrieved ball worth half a mill?

Swedish Sensation said...

Probably...maybe even more. It depends who's buying it. His record breaking ball is worth big money and whoever catches his last HR ball is in for some REAL big money!!