
So last weekend was my cousin Marty's wedding. I thought I would post a few pics from it. I've never seen my Aunt Verna so happy...she's waited 9 yrs for this to happen. I give major props to my Aunt because she made the perogies & cabbage rolls for the buffet dinner...I wish I could've stuffed my pockets with them!

This is a pic of my cousin Marty & his wife Kyla.

This is them cutting their cake.

This is a picture of my Grandmother and my cousin's other Grandmother trying to catch the bouquet. My cousin's other Grandmother was successful.

This is a picture of my cousin's & I with my Grandmother...Stacey, me, Curtis & Marty (brothers).

Another funny thing I'm going to say is I knew it was a "small town" wedding when my cousin's cousin started out his "toast to the groom" speech with " when Marty & I were 2 wee gaffers".


Kathy said...

Your grandma is seriously fun!!

diana said...

i grew up in a big town....what's a gaffer?

Swedish Sensation said...

Kathy- my grandma is a party animal!

di- not sure what a gaffer is...i assumed it meant hillbilly because i've only heard hillbillies say it.

also, the slideshow was a something i wasn't ready for. majority of the pictures were them with hunted down moose and stuff. lots of dead animals bleeding.

Kathy said...

I think it's a collquial thing. I wiki'd it and it doesn't really match what it says, either head of an electrical dept or the Brit-english meaning is old man or foreman of a quad or workmen.

I always envisioned Wee Gaffers to refer to young animals....

Matt your grandma should be a spokesperson for some caffeinated beverage. Or beer.