
Rich Vos

So tonight Rose and I saw Rich Vos at the Comic Strip. We've seen Rich Vos the last time he was in Edmonton. He was on Last Comic Standing. I think he is hands down the funniest person that I've seen. After the show, we bought his dvd. $20 well spent, in my opinion. During the show, I was holding back my laughter because I didn't want to be the one person laughing hard at "questionable humor". Now I can laugh as hard as I want in the safety of my house.

This is Bonnie McFarlane...Rich Vos' wife. She was on before him...also very funny. She was also on Last Comic Standing.

So if you get a chance to see Rich Vos...get a ticket, you won't be disappointed. Or you can borrow the dvd.


Kathy said...

I didn't realize they got married!! Can I borrow the DVD sometime?

Rosanna =) said...

anytime. we'll give it to you the next time we see you. -this is matt