
This is cute little Bacon. This is how she looks and acts around Mommy.

This is how little Bacon usually looks at Daddy.

This is my reaction to how that crazy monster bit my hand yesterday when I tried to take her outside.

This is how cute little Bacon acts around Mommy and my in-laws.


Kathy said...

Bacon is like my cat, queen of the house. That is HILARIOUS! aw. I want a small dog too. Been thinking about a mini yorki-poo. But then I'd have to run that idea by the cat. She's the kingpin in our house. Like Bacon.

Swedish Sensation said...

Like I said before, I'd be a cat lady (only with dogs) if I could. I'm always debating if I should get a big dog. I mean, I want one but I don't want to pick up the mounds of shit....still something that I weigh the pros & cons about.

Swedish Sensation said...

oh, and that was a little harsh Ry. Like Rosanna said to me last night, Bacon only has room for 1 man in her life......Rosanna's dad. Its all the singing and dancing he does for Bacon when she's there, literally!

Ryan said...

Ya. Allen loves Bacon. It's kind of creepy. I think now that Rose and Di are both gone from home, he's replaced his missing daughters with a dog that pisses everywhere. I don't know if that speaks volumes to Rose and Di or Mr. Tse.

diana said...

those pictures were HILARIOUS!

hey man, i was still living at home when dad started his love affair with bacon. all his kids were replaced by bacon. i'm ok with it, it's not like bacon will be supporting dad when he retires though!

side note: everytime i came to your blog, it wasn't showing the updated posts! not until i hit the refresh button. so i missed out on your last 5 posts, at least.

Swedish Sensation said...

I really knew your dad was in love with Bacon when I was dropping Bacon off one time....I had made it to the front step and your dad opened the door. I put Bacon down and she ran in...I was going to go in but your dad shut the door right after Bacon ran in. All I heard was your dad singing Bacon's name haha.

ed said...
