
My dogs.

I have 2 very different dogs. Bacon, the dachsund, will voluntarily pee in her cage after she is walked....it appears that she enjoys creating things for me to clean up. This dog tests my patience to the fullest.

Popyy, the shih-tzu, is considerate. It is currently 3:18 AM. About 15 - 20 minutes ago, Poppy was making crying sounds. I got out of bed and checked on her. I lifted the thin towel covering her cage to look in on her. She looked at me as if she was uncomfortable. I told her to be quiet and try to sleep. She settles down and then I go back to bed. She starts to cry again...I get out of bed. I lift the cage thing again and she has puked. I open the cage door and she runs to the non-carpeted floor area and she pukes again. I appreciate the effort of the dog to puke on the easily cleanable surface. After she pukes she finds a place to hide because she's embarrassed. I tell her its ok. She comes out of hiding, goes to the same floor and starts to cry a little. She diarrhea's all over the floor. Again...this is completely disgusting BUT I appreciate the dog going to the easily cleanable floor. I spend about 10 minutes cleaning everything up and getting her cage cleaned. After all is said and done, I look for the dog...she's laying on the floor with big droopy eyes staring at me and wagging her tail. I told her it was ok and she walked over to me and put her head on my foot. My first dog, also a shih-tzu, would act ashamed after being sick.

To sum it up....I wish Bacon acted a little more like Poppy. It makes me jirated to see Bacon sprint to her cage...piss in it and then walks by me doing a "show dog" trot. Also, I'm unsure if I should take Poppy to the Vet....she was not only sick but she was having a bit of a difficult time walking around (shih-tzu's have bad hips).


Kathy said...

I wish my dog was considerate like that! If she's still upchucking and all for another day, I'd take her in.

Swedish Sensation said...

i took poppy to the vet. 10 mintues & $90 later...i've got meds in my pocket and the dog is going to be ok. apparently some kind of bacteria thing. she'll be cleared up in 5 days.

Kathy said...

My sister's dog got really sick over the weekend. They left him overnight at Emergency, and scans and ultrasounds later (and $700) they haven't dianosed him. but they figure some kind of disease like cancer or hepatitis. Poor pup!!!! I don't think I could handle seeing my pets really sick! Worms were bad enough!

Swedish Sensation said...

i can tell you from experience watching my first dog falling over because of his hips...its not very fun. my parents wanted to just let him die on his own...but i talked them into putting him to sleep. i mean when a dog can't stand up and cries in pain...i thought it was the right decision. it sucked holding him when they put him to sleep.

diana said...

wow, i can't believe you felt compelled to blog about this right when it happened.

poor poppy, i feel bad for her.

do you think it's the breed that makes bacon such a princess or the fact that she was brought up at our house where she was allowed to do anything she wanted?

Kathy said...

Age old question, nature vs nurture. Does that work for dogs too?

All I know is i was playing LOTS with my dog last night!!