
So today I received my monthly issue of Triathlete magazine. Sometimes I completely forget how much I love this sport eventhough I have never competed in one....YET! The above pics are bikes that I'm considering for my "remission present" to myself. I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch, so to speak, but I am pretty sure I'm going to be ok. I figure that once I get the news that I'm in remission, I'm going to sign up for the 2008 Ironman Canada....no more beating around the bush. I'm going to join the Leukemia & Lymphoma Team In Training and raise money for my disease. I figure this is how I can give back. I have thought about this long & hard...wondering if I had it in me to finish an Ironman...well I think I can not only finish one but qualify for Kona Ironman Championships. I might be setting my goals rather high but I think I'm crazy enough to be able to push myself to finish in qualifying time.

I have a clear vision of what I need to do right now....and its fun to think about the bike I will eventually purchase.


diana said...

the first bike looks intense. good for you for setting a goal! and i don't think there are limits to goals, so set them high!

ed said...

go matt go! i'll train with you on the bike (probably the only thing i could keep up with you on). i need to learn to swim, then i'll go splash around in the pool when you do laps.

Rosanna =) said...

woohoo! I've always wanted to watch you jump into the water, and then watch you at the finish line! I haven't planned what I'm gonna do in between though....