
So today I met with my trainers, Donna & Brian Logue. I couldn't find a picture of Brian...his bicep is bigger than my head so just picture that. Donna is an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder & boxer. They set out my diet, which I will start tomorrow.

Some info that was gathered this afternoon ( feel strange about sharing this but here goes ) :

Weight : 217 lbs
% body fat : 24.4%
fat weight : 53 lbs
lean (fat freee) weight : 164 lbs.

Donna hooked me up to this machine that spits this information out.


diana said...

holy crap, she looks tough.

i'd be scared to take a body fat analysis test b/c mine would be so high.

Rosanna =) said...

The Logues are super tough people but also super nice!

I think if I did that analysis, I'd be 176% body fat....hahaha

Kathy said...

How the crap did you meet these trainers? If I looked for a trainer, i'd look for someone not as intimidating, but then I'd likely get someone who would sit on the couch with me eating chips! Matt you are to be admired for doing this in general, and also while undergoing treatment. That's unreal. Rosey, I think you need her as your trainer!

Swedish Sensation said...

I had seen the Logues on t.v. & the news. I set up a consultation with them and they show you photo albums (basically before & afters) - amazing shit. I have to check in with them every couple of days to tell them some required info so they can adjust my diet to ensure I'm always losing weight without losing muscle. If you ever talk to them, they make you want to diet and exercise because they are so passionate about fitness.
I wouldn't say I'm to be admired. I'm just doing what I think Lance Armstrong would do. To have the best chance of survival...I need to be in the absolute best physical condition for my Dr's to treat me. I can at least do my part. I want to live a long life.

Kathy said...

Still, I think that most people take a more passive approach and let the chips fall where they may. trainer are a great way to get and stay motivated. I don't quite have the gall to hire/use one, and that's likely a lack of commitment issue. I won't sign for a cell phone contract, and I guess I'm not ready/wanting the commitment to a trainer. But that's pretty neat that you do! Then you know how to do it right.