
Getting a Muga

So I wish I was getting a muga hot chocolate but I'm not. I'm getting a Muga - to assess the function and motion of the left ventricle of my heart. Here's why - "Recent safety information regarding reports of significant Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction reduction and Congestive Heart Failure with Gleevec (my chemo drug)....while the frequency of reported cardiac events remains less than 1% in the current prescribing information for Gleevec, CHF and left ventricular dysfunction have occasionally been reported" - Novartis.

So I'm getting this Muga thing last week of October. This test takes 1 hr...in Cross Cancer terms...probably 3 hours. They will inject a radioactive tracer into my blood so the Dr's can take images of my heart...most likely to see if there is any problems with the pumping of blood with my heart.

I hate how things go down at the Cross sometimes. I go give blood. I go to a waiting area for my appt @ 2:30. Its about 3 by the time I get in. The first thing the Nurse does is hand me a printout and doesn't say anything. I started to read it and its about the heart failure. My brain starts to run going...are they trying to tell me that my heart is going to stop???...Rose saw the title and asked if it was just an information sheet or something and then the nurse goes...yeah its just so you're aware. IF YOU JUST FUCKING SAID THAT BEFORE YOU GAVE IT TO ME I WOULD NOT HAVE STARTED TO STRESS MY FUCKING SELF OUT!!! They talk about how I'm supposed to not stress myself out...well stop fucking giving me reasons to. When I first heard of this, I freaked and asked my Dr. He told me it was mainly seniors with a pre-exisitng heart condition that had this problem and not for me to worry. Now, all of a sudden, I have to do this test. I get it....the drug company just doesn't want to be sued. I'm still scared shitless nonetheless.


Kathy said...

There must be an independent body at the Cross that you can complain to in the way that was handled. Totally inexcusable treatment!

Swedish Sensation said...

My first nurse, I didn't get along with. She made me feel uncomfortable...she was always asking me things that she should know..like if I had done certain tests or not. I got the guts to request a different nurse I met once, her name is Monica (keep in mind this was probably a couple months into this whole experience because I was to afraid to complain). I find out from the shrink that there is a "patient rep" that I could express my concerns with and they would take it forward. Again, you would think this would be one of the first things they would tell you on your first day!
Monica wasn't working yesterday..otherwise I don't think it would've gone down that way...but then to me all nurses/dr's should be consistent.