
Girls in boys sports.

So I just read an article about 2 highschool girls who wanted to try out for a boys highschool hockey team in Winnipeg. They had to challenge the rules to be allowed to try out. It ended up that only 1 of the 2 actually made the team. Now they are saying that some boys are challenging this same rule because they want to play for the girls volleyball team or something. Apparently theres no boys team because theres not enough interest for a full team. Now the system is saying the rules are staying as is and they aren't able to try out for the girls team. I don't want to ruffle any feathers but what kind of guy wants to play on a girls team?...that seems a little fucking weird to me.
In my hockey career, I've played with and against girls on guys teams. I have no problems with it...only if they can handle it. Case in point - I was playing a game in Bruderheim and their team had a girl on it. Nobody on my team wanted to hit her and just let her do her thing all over the ice because nobody wanted to be the guy that hits a girl. My coach goes to me, Matt there isn't anyone on this team crazy enough to hit that girl so I want you to go out and nail her. I admit I had made a point to find out her number before the game so that I wouldn't hit her during. I didn't really want to be the guy that hurt a girl. At any rate, I had to do what my coach was asked me, I stood on the bench and called my dad over. I told him what my coach wanted to do and to go get the car ready after the game because the stands were full with all the whole damn town. I stepped on the ice and a few seconds later the girl crosses the blue line with her head down ( anyone who has played hockey knows that your usually drooling when someone makes this mistake ) so I nailed her. Her helmet flew off and she smashed in the boards. It started a brawl. I ended up getting thrown out of the game and the result was my team being led out of the arena by police escort. Now if that was a guy, nobody would have given a shit that I hit him so hard.
I have played against some other girls that were awesome and could take everything that was thrown at them. I guess I don't have a problem with it if the girl can actually hold her own in the sport.
Women in the PGA tour doesn't bother me, women in the NHL wouldn't bother me, women in the NFL...I would think they are crazy but wouldn't bother me....but if a man ever wanted to play in the WNBA or LPGA tour...boy there would be problems!


Kathy said...

There shouldn't be double standards if a girl wants in on a boy's team. That should just be understood if she gets accepted onto the team. The only special treatment she should get is a sectioned off part of the locker room, not even her own separate locker room. As a side, have you see women rugby players? They're men.

Swedish Sensation said...

I have seen women rugby players and I would not want to even try to play any sport with them because they are stronger than me.
The girl that tried out for my hockey team changed in the same room as us...she just had to come wearing the "under armor" stuff. One of the things I remembered is we would leave the room so she could shower and we would stand outside the dressing room in half of our equipment and then when she was done showering & changed, she'd leave so we could shower. Then we'd have a team meeting in the lobby. I didn't mind it because she legitimately deserved to be playing with us...she ended up making the team below ours but she was there until the last cut.
I remember in high school a couple girls complained about phys ed. The boys were doing hockey and the girls were doing figure skating...we did football and they did speed walking...they should make phys-ed co-ed. I remember the best phys-ed shit was dodgeball & chinese baseball (hahahahahah) with the girls just because it was more fun and non competitive. Social dance sucked though...cadillac ranch anyone?

Kathy said...

I've completely forgotten that phys ed wasn't co-ed. I remember in Jr high one of our female phys ed teachers was a lesbian, and I thought, can she still come in our dressing room? Coz isn't that like having a man instructor come in? I think in highschool coz I was in IB, i only had to take a half semester of phys ed. Anyhow, I can't believe how gender specific they make sports now. I wonder if schools are offering anything different than what they did 10 years ago. Side note, i can't believe it's been 10 years since highschool.

Swedish Sensation said...

the check on the girl was completely clean. its what i did to start the brawl that i got thrown out for...basically after i hit the girl this big guy was at the other end of the ice pounding on our smallest player. my teammates on the bench yelled at me about it so i skated down the ice as fast as i could and i used my stick like an axe and broke his ankle with one swing. when he fell i ripped his helmet off and started punching him...another guy jumped on my back and then the brawl happened. if that happened today i would probably be sued...good thing i played when what happened on the ice stayed on the ice.